Other Anchoring systems
We have many different anchoring options depending on your conditions, contact us and we’ll help you figure out which anchoring system best suits your needs.
Expansion Anchors are to be used in solid rock.

Conrete Anchor with Anchor Bolts :
This anchor is to be used on concrete pads. It comes with our ratchet head and 2 – 1/2″ X 3 3/4 anchor bolts

Embankment Control Anchor :
Our wall retaining anchors are made with the # 88 Load locks attached to 1/4″ galvanized cable, and a 5/8″ Threaded rod.

J-Hook Anchor :

Please contact us if you have questions about any of our anchoring systems.
905-847-5294 / bandrstamping@gmail.com
Shed or Tree Anchors :
Contact us about information on Shed or Tree Anchors